Made from an old event poster used in Auckland, these bags are durable and waterproof with expired seat belt strapping. Your purchase saves landfill and helps protect the planet.
✔ ECO-FRIENDLY: Fabric is expired event or advertising banners. The strapping is from expired car seat restraints, repurposed through a car-seat recycling scheme. Saving landfill, one bag at a time.|
✔ MULTI-PURPOSE: Food shop, wet togs & wetsuits, school books, camping supplies, travel bag, work gear, sports gear (biking, skiing, sea swim, footie…)
✔ EASY CLEANING: If dirty wipe down with a cloth, if filthy hose down outside!
✔ HANDMADE: Made locally in Nelson. Sewn with strong, industrial thread.
SMALL The smaller one can still fit your A4s, laptops, and even your trusty drink bottle. Get ready to turn heads while saving the planet – it's a win-win
Size: 34-35cm height / 24-25cm length / 14-15cm base
DAILY DO-GOODER Plenty of space for school or library books, laptops, towel togs snacks or anything else you need a trusty super reliable bag for. Size: 38cm height / 40cm length / 16-20cm base